Language Testing and Evaluation – A Mini Project




This chapter consists of background, coverage, and place of conducting the try-out.

 A. Background

A test is a measuring device for assessing the achievement of the objectives in a training system which is a set of questions for which there is an accepted set of correct answers. This is not as easy as what one thinks because it needs certain aspects of doing training system such as preparation, implementation or simulation, accuracy and correctness, and evaluation. Bachman and Palmer (1996) in Alderson (2000) stated that a test development seems to have three components namely design, operationalisation, and administration. A good tester should aware of these aspects in order to achieve the objectives of the test.

Some testers are still shuffling a test up. The test is likely done as an administrative obligation without resting on what a test is done for. They tend to assume that a test is just for determining students success or fail in achieving the standard of certain competencies. In fact that a test is not merely an obedient servant to the teaching like what Davies said (1968). It seems to be too administratively in the teaching and learning matter and it is not likely a good evaluation in the teaching and learning process. Jabu (2008) said that there are such information such as validity; the purpose of the test, difficulty; the characteristics of the examinees, reliability; the accuracy of measurement, applicability; the suitability of format and features of the test, replicability; the development sample relevance, the availability of equivalent of equated forms, interpretability; the nature of the scoring and reporting of scores, the cost of test procurement,economy; administration and testing, availability; the procurement of test, acceptability; the political consideration, and discriminability; the power of the test.

Again, a test is used to evaluate the achievement of learning and or teaching concerns with language learning in order to know and understand what teacher and students have got so far. This paper, therefore, provides the detail of how an evaluation is conducted after doing the test.

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Language Testing – Try-Out SMP Pallangga, Gowa, Makassar

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